Saturday, June 23, 2012

How About Them ???

Still complain of discomforts despite working in an office with all modern comforts !!??

How about her !!??

Do you still complain of hunger...!!??

How about her !!??

Tired of sleeping in your cozy bed !!??

How about her !!??

Tired of walking on your feet !!??

How about him !!??

Still don't appreciate the love and care you get from parents & friends !!??

How about her !!??

Comforts make you sleep while studying !!??

How about them !!??

A luxurious bath and still complain about life !!??

How about them !!??

Do you still worry that your hand will get hurt washing your own dishes !!??

How about her little hands !!??

Louis Vuitton not enough !!??  More brands !!??

How about him !!??

Tired of pleasuring yourself from playing games !!??

How about him !!??

And nothing else to do !!??

How about them !!??

Always remember this:
When you complain about your life, there are people out there struggling to be you. 
Also, while you complain about the little wrongs of your food, there are people out there starving for a scrap of food.

Therefore, find happiness in who you are, appreciate what you have and try to bring happiness to at least one person who is struggling in life and give them a helping hand at your potential.

I felt very touchy reading this, seriously. We didn't realize how comfortable we are as always feel something not enough, whereas a lot of people out there are facing the hardness more than us. Yes, we must be grateful on what we have. Alhamdulillah~
Another thing, when we have a potential, why don't we try to 'invest' our energy on helping the others. It's a good thing, right? InsyaAllah~ 



  1. Salam ewan..

    Lana bersyukur dengan pa yg lana ada..dan berblog salah satu cara utk mem'balas'nya..

    kita cubalah sdaya upaya menghargai apa yg ada dlm hidup kita ya..sbg hambaNya yg lemah, kita memg mudah lupa nikmat yg diberi olehNya..slgi masih bernyawa, usahakanlah sesuatu yg memberi manfaat pd mnusia lainnya.

  2. Ya, betul tu cik Lana.
    Kita smua hrus brsyukur dgn diri kita least kita masi mampu menikmati kesenangan~

    kdang2 kita lupa ttg nikmat yg kita dpat dariNya, sy setuju sgat yg ni...
    Jom sma2 sntiasa bermuhasabah diri & saling ingat-mengingatkan... :)

  3. Selalu bersyukur terhadap nikmat yang ALLah SWT berikan,,,,agar tidak menjadi orang yang kufur terhadap nikmat

  4. nice entry..
    syukur alhamdulillah dgn ape yg dinikmati sekarang.. =)

  5. nice entry...bagus banyak mengajar kita erti banyak antara kita yang lalai dan alpa dengan kemewahan dan kesenangan tanpa memikirkan kesusahan orang lain kan...malunya pada diri sendiri kan....insaf....

  6. mmg toucing sgt...kita patut bersyukur dgn apa yg kita ada....

  7. bersyukurlah dengan keamanan yang negara kita kecapi...rakyatnya juga tidak pernah menderita terkecuali bagi mereka2 yang memang malas untuk berusaha atau berkerja...

  8. bersyukur sangat dengan apa ada.. :)
    note: sedihnya tgk gambar2 kat atas nie..

  9. sangat berarti .. tanpa banyak kata tapi menjelaskan lebih jelas dari sekedar kalimat.. nice share

  10. Nice sharing ewan. Sesusah2 kita ad lg org yg lebih susah. Syukur dgn ap yg ada :')

  11. Insaf sy tgk p'bandingan ni semua. Kita byk mengeluh tpi kita x tahu kesusahan org lain. =]

  12. Insaf sy tgk p'bandingan ni semua. Kita byk mengeluh tpi kita x tahu kesusahan org lain. =]


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